Thursday, May 3, 2012

EezzyNour Honey Yogurt Mask

Relax and pamper your face with this simple and easy honey yogurt facemask..

Things you will need:
2 tbsp natural plain yogurt
1 tbsp pure manuka honey


How to make the honey yogurt mask?
  1. Place the yogurt in a small bowl.
  2. Add honey. Mix well.
  3. Wash your face with luke warm water. Pat dry.
  4. Apply the mask evenly to your face and neck.
  5. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the mask thoroughly with warm water. 
  7. Pat dry your face with a face towel.
    1. May be used once a week. 
    2. If your skin sensitive to the ingredient, consult your doctor first.