Friday, March 19, 2010

Pharmaceutical Heist

This week's breaking news on pharmaceutical:
"14th March 2010, Sunday, an estimated USD 75 million worth of Pharmaceutical drugs have been stolen from Eli Lilly warehouse in Enfield, Connecticut which is believed one of the largest pharmaceutical heist ever. The stolen products included Prozac, Cymbalta and Zyprexa."
Pharmaceutical heists keep increasing in USA since 2006. The heists involved cargo stolen from trucks or cargo containers are most common. There were also incidents of company's warehouse thefts. Pharmaceutical heist causes a big monetary loss due to the high drug prices.

As reported, usually what happened during the previous pharmaceutical heists, the stolen drugs were shipped/transported often for sale on the black market and/or for counterfeiting purposes. This situation is becoming a big threat to the world's pharmaceuticals, health care system and patients' health.
Few measures need to be considered/done to prevent this from becoming an increasing trend in this world. All parties need to work together hand in hand to prevent this from happening and putting patient's life at stake. Enforcement need to be tightened. Better securities and Risk Management need to be implemented especially by all Pharmaceutical companies in the world.